Tentang Aku.....

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♥ Lahir pd 20 February 1979 ♥ Mudah mesra tp sensitif ♥ Orang Serawak, Berdarah campuran Malay + melanau + iban ♥ DAH KAWIN DA. Dan di kurniakan 2 org hero.Syukur alhamdulillah. ♥ Suka akan muzik, seni dan fesyen ♥ Suka mkn dan mkn...dan mkn ♥ Suka main masak2. ♥ Suka Berkebun (peminat tegar bunga Ros) ♥ Suka bergambar dan main pesbuk. hahahha....

♥Kengkawan cayangku♥

Mesej dari kamek untuk kitak....

Monday, January 21, 2013

Apakah bintik - bintik merah ini????

Hye kengkawanku....

Sori entry ini agak lambat nak hapdet kat belog. klu kat pesbuk..laju jer. Zaaaaaaaassss.......

Actly...topik pasal bebintik merah d badan Affan dah aku post kat pesbuk. byk jugak respon kengkawan yg sgt PRIHATIN. Terima kasih bebyk yer kengkawan. Sikap prihatin korang hanya Tuhan jer yg dpt membalasnya.

Nie - ha...sajer jer aku upload pic bebintik merah yg terjadi selepas jer demam Affan sembuh. Ramai yg cakap bintik2 nie...ruam yg keluar dr badan Affan lepas jer dia sihat. Tak silap haku...dulu Affan pernah kena kes yg sama. Masa tue..tak silapku usia Affan 5/6 bulan cam gittew. Masa tue..dia demam panas. Tak mo menyusu n suhu bdn agak tinggi juga. Lepas 2,3 hari demam...timbul bebintik merah mcm nie. Doctor pantau gak...takut kekalau kena HFM diseases. Syukur la pada ketika itu..Affan tak kena sakit cam ginie. Now, menyerang lagi bebintik merah nie. Today...semasa mandikan Affan..bebintik nie..dah nampak berkurangan sikit. Harap2 OK n cepat sembuh. 

tgk anak panah..tue la tanda bebintik merah yg saya katakan td.

sajer jer nak ambik pic. Affan tak nak. mcm te tau jer. itu pun dipaksa

area sekitar leher & telinga

kat belakang. mcm hokey jer Affan berposing. padahal..kena pujuk gak tue.

bebintik yang seram gak tengok

nasib kat sekitar muka takde......

kat area dada. yang cnie agak byk juga. tapi..pic tak jelas

nie kat belakang

korang rasa apa bebintik merah tue??? kengkawan saya cakap.....itu ruam. ruam yg terjadi selepas demam dah sembuh. better keluar....dr tak keluar. saya penah tanya doc Zarin Zain. doc pun cakap mcm kengkawan saya cakap. 

Setelah mengoogle apa ruam/bebintik merah yang menyerang Affan nie..Finally, aku terjumpa pic yang sama. dan........................

cedok from Mr. Google
sama tak mcm yg kena pd Affan?? (nie pic haku cedok from Mr. Google)

Saintis beri nama bebintik merah tue Roseola (cantik gak nama bebintik tue)

What is roseola?

Roseola is a mild illness caused by a virus infection. Roseola has a sudden onset and short duration, and it most commonly affects young children. Roseola is most common in children 6 to 24 months of age. The average age at onset is around 9 months. Less frequently, older children, teens, and (rarely) adults may be infected.

What virus causes roseola?

Roseola is primarily caused by a virus called human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and less commonly by human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7).

How is roseola spread?

Roseola is spread from person to person, most likely by transfer of oral secretions. Roseola is not very contagious. The incubation period between exposure to the virus and onset of symptoms is nine to 10 days. Humans are the only natural hosts for HHV-6 and HHV-7. Unlike other viral infections, roseola occurs throughout the year without seasonal variation.

What are roseola symptoms and signs?

The signs and symptoms of HHV-6 (or HHV-7) infection vary depending upon the age of the patient. Infants and toddlers routinely will develop sudden symptoms with a sudden onset of a high fever that lasts for three to five days, irritability, bulging "soft spot" on the head (fontanel), swollen glands in the front or back of the neck, runny nose, puffy eyelids (due to swelling with fluid), and mild diarrhea. Within 12-24 hours of the fever breaking, a rash rapidly appears. Older children who develop HHV-6 (or HHV-7) infection are more likely to have an illness characterized by several days of high fever and possibly a runny nose and/or diarrhea. Older children less commonly develop a rash as the fever abates.

How high can the fever go with roseola?

The fever can be quite high. The fever averages 103.5 F (39.7 C), but it can go up as high as 106 F (41.2 C).

What is the treatment for the fever of roseola?

If the fever is not causing the child to be uncomfortable, the fever need not be treated. It is not necessary to awaken the child to treat a fever unless instructed to do so by a health-care practitioner.
If you wish to treat the fever, acetaminophen(Tylenol and others) can be used to lower a fever. Aspirin should never be used for fever in children or adolescents.
A child with a fever should be kept comfortable and not be overdressed. Overdressing can cause the temperature to go higher. Bathing with tepid water (85 F or 29.5 C) may help bring down a fever. If a child develops shivering during the bath, the temperature of the bath water should be raised. Never sponge a child (or an adult) with alcohol; the alcohol fumes may be inhaled, causing many problems.

Can the fever cause a seizure?

Yes. The high fever of roseola may trigger aseizure (a convulsion). Febrile seizures(convulsions due to fever) are common in children between 18 months to 3 years of age. They occur in 5% to 35% of children with roseola.

Is a seizure due to fever dangerous?

The seizure may look very frightening, but it is usually quite harmless (benign). Febrile seizures are not associated with long-term nervous-system side effects or brain damage. Anticonvulsant medications are very rarely prescribed for the treatment or prevention of febrile seizures.

What should I do if my child with roseola has a seizure?

Keep calm and help the child to the floor, loosening any clothing around the neck. Remove any sharp objects that could cause injury, and turn the child on one side so saliva can flow from the mouth. Putting a cushion or a folded coat under the head for a pillow is fine, but do not put anything in the child's mouth. The best thing is just to wait it out. Do not leave the child unattended while calling the paramedics of the doctor's office. Children are often drowsy and sleep after a seizure. That is normal. After the seizure, you should contact your child's health-care provider to determine if your child should be immediately examined.

Is there a rash with roseola?

Yes, but not in the beginning. When the fever disappears, a rash appears. The rash is mainly located on the neck and torso (the abdomen, trunk, and back), but it can also be on the arms and legs (extremities).
The rash appears as separate little raised dots (papules) or as a flat (macular) rash. The skin is mildly red in color and temporarily blanches with pressure. The rash is not itchy or painful. It is not contagious. The rash lasts two to four days and does not return.

What is most remarkable characteristic of roseola?

What is most striking is that the child seems so well despite having a high fever.

What is the course of roseola?

The fever of roseola lasts three to five days followed by a rash lasting about one to two days. Roseola usually resolves without any treatment. Immunity to HHV-6 seems to be lifelong.

Are there any complications of roseola?

Complications are rare with roseola except in children with suppressed immune systems. Individuals with healthy immune systems generally develop lifelong immunity to HHV-6 (or HHV-7).

Should I take my child to the doctor with roseola?

Yes, that is a good idea. A child with a feverand a rash should not go back to child care until evaluated by a health-care provider.

When can the child return to child care?

A child with just the rash of roseola and no fever can usually return to child care.

Are there other names for roseola?

Roseola is referred to by a number of other names. It was formally called roseola infantum or roseola infantilis. Because the rash appears so suddenly (right after the fever dramatically departs), the disease is commonly called exanthem subitum.
To distinguish roseola from other childhood diseases featuring skin rashes, it was once dubbed "sixth disease" (because it was the sixth disease young children typically developed, and it lasted about six days), but that name has largely been forgotten.
  • Roseola is a mild illness caused by a virus infection, and it affects young children.
  • A sudden high fever that lasts for three to five days is an early feature of roseola.
  • When the fever disappears, a rash appears. The rash is not contagious.
  • Roseola usually resolves without any treatment.

American Academy of Pediatrics. Pickering, L.K., C.J. Baker, D.W. Kimberlin, and S.S. Long, eds.Red Book: 2009 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 28th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2009.
Yang nie plak terjemahan dalam Bahasa Melayu: -


Penyakit yang ini sering diderita pada bayi dari usia 6 bulan sampai 3 tahun. Penyakit ini sempat membuat para ibu khawatir dan cemas berlebihan, karena pada awalnya (fase prodromal) anak ini mengalami panas tinggi 39,4-40,6° Celsius. Bahkan, 5-15% diantara mereka mengalami kejang disebabkan demam.
Roseola infantum merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus herpes tipe 6 dan 7. Virus ini disebarkan melalui percikan ludah penderita. Masa inkubasi (masa dari mulai terinfeksi sampai timbulnya gejala) adalah sekitar 5-15 hari.
Biasanya penyakit ini berlangsung selama 1 minggu.
Bisa terjadi pembengkakan kelenjar getah bening di belakang kepala, leher sebelah samping dan di belakang telinga. Limpa juga agak membesar.
Pada hari keempat, demam biasanya mulai turun.
Sekitar 30% anak memiliki ruam (kemerahan di kulit), yang mendatar maupun menonjol, terutama di dada dan perut dan kadang menyebar ke wajah, lengan dan tungkai.
Ruam ini tidak menimbulkan rasa gatal dan berlangsung selama beberapa jam sampai 2 hari.
Disinilah yang harus diperhatikan, pada roseola infantum ruam ini muncul setelah demam reda. Sedangkan pada campak, ruam ini muncul saat penderita masih demam.
Karena penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus, maka pengobatan dengan antibiotik tidak diperlukan. Terapi pada kasus ini hanyalah untuk menurunkan demamnya. Pemberian asetaminofen atau parasetamol atau ibuprofen relatif aman untuk menurunkan demam. Sedangkan, pemberian aspirin pada anak-anak sangat tidak dianjurkan karena bisa menyebabkan sindroma Reye. Sebaiknya anak dikompres dengan menggunakan handuk atau lap yang telah dibasahi dengan air hangat (suam-suam kuku). Jangan menggunakan es batu, air dingin, alkohol maupun kipas angin.
Usahakan agar anak minum banyak air putih atau potongan-potongan es batu, larutan elektrolit atau kaldu. Selama demam, sebaiknya anak menjalani tirah baring.
Bila anak mengalami kejang demam, segera hubungi rumah sakit atau dokter terdekat untuk penanganan kejang. Intinya, jangan panik dan tetap tenang. Jika penyakit ini terjadi pada pasien dengan sistem kekebalan rendah, maka dokter sering memberikan obat antiviral supaya tidak bertambah parah.


Anonymous said...

good info :)

yasmin nana said...


Anonymous said...

Good info...tq

Unknown said...

Salam..baru terjadi kat anak sy...tq for the info.sgt membantu.

un said...

ank dah 10thn ...tetiba lak dpt ruam lps demam dah kebah

Unknown said...

Anak tetiba kena ruam mcm ni lps baik dr dmm panas 3 hari lepas..dia jd ssh nak tdo..ngs je..aduhai